AMPERE event organized under the auspices of Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna

4th - 8th September 2016
Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna, Italy

A two-day NMR school will be held just before the conference (3rd- 4th September 2016) 

[this page will be periodically updated]

For details, please go to MRPM13Event

Important Dates

Early bird registration (reduced fee)  

Opens        2nd April, 2016                      
Closed      (17th June, 2016)

Abstract submission (for oral and poster presentation)

(Opened 1st March, 2016)
Oral closed
Poster closed 

Communication of acceptance 



Oral done (25th  May, 2016)


Poster done (10th  June, 2016)

This conference series was founded at the University of Bologna, where the first meeting was held in 1990. MRPM2 was held in 1993 at the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK , MRPM3  in 1995 at the Université Catolique of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, MRPM4 in 1997 in Trondheim, Norway. The conference returned to Bologna in 2000. MRPM6 was organized in 2002 at the University of Ulm, Germany, MRPM7 in Palaiseau, France, MRPM8 in Bologna, Italy, MRPM9 in Cambridge, USA, MRPM10 in Leipzig, Germany, MRPM11 in Guildford, UK and MRPM12 in Wellington, NZ. The Proceedings of all the MRPM Conferences, have been published as Special Issues of International peer reviwed Journals. They have been important for the formation and the growth of the MRPM community and give an up-to-date and complete documentation of the evolution of this discipline.
      Since the vitality and interest of these Conferences and the consideration that the community which the conference series serves had grown considerably over the years in such a way that it now extends to cover all continents of the globe, after MRPM7 the community has joined the Groupment Ampere as the MRPM Division, and the Conferences, which now are explicitly called the “Bologna MRPM Conferences,” are Ampere Events. A Steering Committee has been charged with the responsibility to give to the MRPM community a formal structure to preserve the continuity and quality of future meetings.
The conference is devoted to the progress in Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media and in our understanding of Porous Media themselves, and to stimulate the contact among people from various parts of Academia and Industry. Researchers in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, and in Industrial Applications will benefit from exchange of ideas, experiences, and new approaches.
      Topics will include innovative techniques to study structure, behavior of fluids, and their interactions in every kind of natural and artificial porous materials, including rocks, cements, biological tissues, foodstuffs, wood, particle packs, sediments, pharmaceuticals, zeolites, and bioconstructs. New data acquisition and processing techniques are also expected to be strong features.
The Giulio Cesare Borgia Prize  for Young Researchers will be awarded. The Prize has been established with the following motivation: In memory of the contribution made by Giulio Cesare Borgia to the development of Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media and for the particular attention he always paid to the enthusiasm, passion, and courage of young people who undertook the difficult and adventurous path of scientific investigation in this fascinating area of research. The award will be presented to the emerging scientist who, based on a presentation to the community at the conference, shows greatest promise for future scientific leadership. The award will normally be given to those under the age of 35. The prize will be awarded during the closing ceremony.